Research and Publications

Research Interests

My scholarship focuses on urban and ethnic community politics among Asian American and immigrant communities in California, with an emphasis on the use of interdisciplinary and qualitative approaches. It is in conversation with scholarship across different fields, including Ethnic Studies, Urban Studies, Urban Planning, Public Health, Public Administration, Sociology, History, and Political Science.  Through my work, I examine (1) how the relationship between space and racialization shapes a politicized ethnic identity and community formations and (2) how the different modes of place-based political engagement of marginalized communities contribute to and are a response to urban restructuring. My scholarship also addresses the application of anti-racist and intersectional frameworks to inform urban planning, public administration, and public policy pedagogy and practice. In addition to my scholarly publications, I am dedicated to public scholarship to build capacity for local communities and to translate my academic research to a wider audience for policy change. 

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Los Angeles Chinatown and Gentrification

June 2024, University of California Press

The Power of Chinatown: Searching for Spatial Justice in Los Angeles is an ethnographic examination of community politics and gentrification in Los Angeles Chinatown since the 1970s. 

It is one of the first academic books to examine the contemporary history and community dynamics in Los Angeles Chinatown.

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Research article published in 2023 (advance online publication) in the Journal of Urban Affairs.

Book chapter published in 2022 in The Urban Question: Gentrification, Displacement, and Alternative Futures.


Research article published in 2022 in Urban Affairs Review.


Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in 

Orange County, California

Co-authored with Dr. Linda Trinh Vô. Report produced in 2018 for Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Orange County.

Asian American Public Health

Co-authored with Dr. Shao-Chee Sim, Xiaojie Diana Zhou, Christine Chen, and Rebecca Sze. Research article published in 2011 in the Journal of Genetic Counseling.

Co-authored with Dr. Simona Kwon. Book Chapter published in 2009 in the Encyclopedia of Asian American Issues Today .

Critical Frameworks for Pedagogy and 

Policy Implementation

Co-authored commentary with Drs. C. Aujean Lee and Nina Flores published in 2021 in the Journal of Planning Education and Research.

Co-authored practitioner essay with Drs. Shayda Kafai and Jocelyn A. Pacleb published in 2024 in AAPI Nexus.

Racialization and Mobilities

Co-authored with Drs. Maria G. Rendón and Adriana Aldana. Research article published in 2020 in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.


Other Writing and Projects

Chinatown Associations: Anchors of the Community Virtual Exhibit

Contributor for the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California (2024)

The Chinese Exclusion Act in Perspective

Guest Author for the Chinese Historical Society of Southern California News'n'Notes (2019)

Wishes for Chinatown

Guest Editor for WAPOW Community Magazine (2018)